Children. That is the next thing that the Lord has been showing me. However, this view has been changing over time.I have not always had a biblical view of children as I now see. Really it has not been even until about a few months ago that I began to say , Okay , Lord this is for real and now I think I am getting." However, I believe this came after much searching scriptures and truly BELIEVING that "Children are a blessing" (ps.127:3; gen 33:5) and that the LORD is ALWAYS in control of every circumstance, especially the choice to open and close the womb. (ps.127; gen.11:26; 21:1-2; 29:31; 30:1,22). Thus, I have not always thought that way.I somehow thought I had some control , yet even in the life the Lord has graciously given me with children, he has shown me that, "No, Nyema it is Me and not you." I have a , now just turning 4 yr old and 5yr old (12months apart) and a 4month old and we are expecting again! (They will be only 11months apart! Ha!) Surely the Lord is in control of this situation. My husband and I always says even if we wanted to do it this way, we could not. Even more, prior to obtaining my "new lenses" I would have SCREAMED and thought , "Lord , why? why me Lord? couldn't You have picked someone more "capable"? Someone who always dreamed of being a mommy and having lots of children" Why oh, why Lord? Nonetheless, by God's grace I say (with a more humble and thankful heart), "Lord, why me? Why us oh Lord? Lord I know I do not deserve to be blessed in such a manner, but I thank you and by your tender mercies we will raise these children in the way that You intended for them to go!"
Even more, I realize even when getting the "new lenses", I CHOOSE to remove them when I am not renewing my mind (rom12;1-2) in the Word daily and often. Now, I still because of Christ, still have my "lenses" , that does not change. But as I have done many times especially in the area of children, I have taken them off often and have not seen so clearly. Furthermore, I began to conform to the worlds thinking. We all know this thinking. Children are a burden, not a blessing (some say it with words, others with actions); They cost too much and I don't want to give up my comfortable "assets"; Look I don't have time, I have other things to do with my life then to raise children all my life (Disclaimer: I am not saying that God does not call us to extra things in some seasons in our lives, but all I am saying is , if the Lord wants you to be raising children for a "very long time", the your world is not over and we must be willing to say, "not my will, but Yours Lord.") All in all, I must continue to keep my lenses on so I can always see clearly and know what the Lord's will is(eph.5:17) So continue to pray that I will.
Same Team
6 years ago
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